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Children in Yoga Class

Children's Yoga Benefits

Boy doing warrior yoga pose
Adults have been practising yoga for many years, and while many people talk about children growing up too fast, yoga is something they can never start too early.
Introducing the concept and practice of yoga and a yogic lifestyle to your children means that you are giving them the very best start in life.

Zoe's Yogis provides a supportive and nurturing environment where children can comfortably challenge themselves and expand their perceived limits.

Some of the benefits of Children's Yoga are:
              Introduces concepts and practices for nurturing both physical and mental well-being.


              Enhances fitness levels, fostering flexibility, strength, and balance.


              Improves coordination, heightening body awareness promoting a positive body image.


              Cultivates children’s self-assurance, concentration, and self-esteem.


              Equips children with tools to effectively manage stress and regulate their emotions.


              Teaches mindfulness techniques and effective breathing exercises.


               Aids in alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety & behavioural issues.


                Induces a state of calmness and relaxation in both body and mind.


               Benefits children regardless of their athletic inclinations, fostering inclusivity.

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation,
we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” 

– HH Dalai Lama

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